Voter Info

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024!

Have you received your ballot in the mail? If you have not, check your voter registration!

Check your voter registration at . You can register or change your registration in person at a voting center by asking for a Same-Day Voter Registration ballot until voting closes on November 5, 2024. 

Return your ballot by mail: Just fill it out, and drop it in the mailbox—no postage required. Make sure it’s postmarked by Election Day! That's Tuesday, November 5th.

Visit a voting center in person: You can vote early or on Election Day at your nearest voting center. Voting centers are open for several days, so you have options. If you have lost your ballot you can request a replacement, but try to take the ballot you already received in the mail with you. 

Open beginning Saturday, October 26 until November 5: Centro Cristiano Emmanuel (the church by Taco Bell), 505 W. Harvard Blvd

Open beginning Saturday, November 2 until November 5: Blanchard Community Library, 119 N. 8th St 

The Government Center in Ventura is already open as a voting center for in-person early voting during normal business hours. 

Drop off at a secure ballot box: You can also drop your ballot at the secure ballot box located at Santa Paula City Hall

Full lists of locations for the County of Ventura available at the County Recorder's page. Vote Centers Ballot Drop Boxes

You can follow your ballot's progress with